Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Behavior Modification

Taking a much needed break from my studying for finals. I wanted to talk about
Behavior Modifiation so here are 5 ideas to help with your eating healthy goals.
1. Chain Breaking- this involves breaking the link that encourages overeating (such as eating chips while watching TV either don't buy chips or don't watch TV :)
2. Stimulus Control- Alter your environment (ask your husband to hide the cookies and don't threaten him later to tell you where they are! I cleaned out all the junk food in our house...much to Jason's dismay, and it's much easier. I do however get pretty nasty when I need chocolate and there is none to be found.)
3. Cognitive Restructuring- Change your idea about food (try not to get in the habit of always rewarding yourself with food. Take a bath, paint your toe nails, eat some, call a friend, there is always another option than is healthier and most likely more rewarding. Though indulging yourself is important every once in a while.)
4. Contingency Management- Decide a reaction to problem foods (you know you will be offered a cookie or a piece of pie somewhere and everyone will be looking at you expectantly to accept so just think of a quick and polite reply usually people will admire you for trying to eat right and if you decide before hand, the decision is made and it isn't as hard to make it under pressure.)
5. Self-Monitoring- Track foods and your reactions to them (this one can be time consuming but also very enlightening. Take a day and write down what you ate, where you ate it, how you felt when you were done ect. then look over your day and decide how you can improve your diet. We had to do this for nutrition and I found I ate healthier because I had to write down and look at what I ate....I sure didn't want to confess eating 2 candy bars and a pop. It's good motivation!)

I challenge you to pick one of these and master it and keep going until you've done them all. I promise they will help in your quest for mind over body eating healthy!!