Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stong Abs

These are the ab exercises that won't stress the low back but give a good workout to the abs. We learned in Kinesiology that tons of core strengthening exercises work the hip flexors more than the abs once the abs fatigue. Some major hip flexors hook to the lumbar vertebrae (low back) and when over worked can injure your back or intensify an already present problem. Some of these are tough and take working up to. Some also use an exercise ball which does take up alot of space in the house but I think they are totally worth it, I love mine! Most gyms do have them.

Plank- There are several variations that can be done- on a ball , with elbows bent and toes on the floor, or on the side. Try to keep your body straight from your head to your feet. Hold this exercise for 30 to 60 seconds, do 4 sets.
Crunch- This regular old exercise really works! You're getting the best work on your abs when you feel your lower back press into the floor, beyond that it's mostly your hip flexors working. There are also tons of variations for this exercise. Come up looking at the ceiling, and pause at the top of your crunch so there is no momentum from the movement and your abs are fully engaged and come down slowly.
- Lying leg raise and thrust- I don't have a picture for this one. Lie and your back with your legs at a 90 degree angle with your upper body and lift your hips off the ground pushing your feet towards the ceiling.
This collection is a work in progess but these will give a head start to a daily ab workout. Your abs are the only muscles that don't need a break (most of the exercises you work them out with don't use an external force) so you can work them out 4 times a day if you dedicated are you???


GTyler said...

you will have to feel my tummy at Christmas time too see how dedicated I am. On second thought may be you better not!

centralking said...

I need to start on my abs, maybe I will have to start trying these out.

Shalise said...

Plank is the best and also plank on your forearms and plank with leg raises...I swear by it! I can't master the side plank though and I hate when they do it in class (since I've started going to class) because I always fall over and start laughing. It hurts my wrists...any tips for that?